Monday, 14 March 2011

Maxwell Fry architecture

Fry was always considered one of the star pupils at the Liverpool School of Architecture, where he studied in the 1920s. During this time, Fry came into contact with Wells Coates and Morton Shand, founders of the Modern Architecture Research Group (MARS), a group of which Fry became a leader member.
Fry’s early works in the 1930s comprised mainly housing, in particular the low-cost housing he designed with Elizabeth Denby, and the Sun House, Hampstead, London (1936), the latter characterized by open planning, long continuous windows with balconies and terraces.
From 1943-45, Fry became town planning adviser to the Resident Minister in West Africa. During the war, he married Jane Drew, and together they worked in partnership on a large education building programme in West Africa, when opportunities were thin on the ground for architects in post-war and a Britain in recovery. The most significant building in this period is the complex at Ibadan University in Nigeria.

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